Friday 10 July 2015

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Android M Preview gets Major Update with sweet Features

Android M Lollipop Kitkat jellybean 1 2
The Android M Developer Preview has received its first major update since it launched at Google I/O in May. The Android M Developer Preview 2 brings a wealth of bug fixes and performance improvements, in addition to some all new features, such as home screen rotate, plus a redesigned app drawer.

Android M app drawer

As you may recall, Android M introduced an alphabetized vertical scroll for the app drawer. The updated version is similar, but the letters on the left side have been removed, and the search bar at the top now says "search apps" on the left, rather than the magnifying glass symbol on the right.
AndroidPIT Android m preview 2 app drawer allow rotation

Rotating home screen, better status bar

One of the other improvements is the ability to rotate the home screen to view it horizontally (which can be found in the home screen settings menu.) In addition, the status bar functionality has changed significantly and now lets you toggle items that appear there, such as turning the Wi-Fi or data on or off.

AndroidPIT Android M preview 2 rotated home screen

Network settings reset

Hidden away in the Backup and reset settings is another new feature called Network Settings Reset. This feature allows you to instantly wipe all of your network settings, including Wi-Fi connections, cellular data and Bluetooth connections. Pretty handy if you're offloading your device to someone else.
AndroidPIT Android M preview 2 network settings reset
The Android M Developer Preview is an early build of the new version of Android, designed to give developers a chance to get to grips with the new platform and Google the opportunity to iron out bugs before the full release.

The latest Android M Developer Preview update can be downloaded at, or you can wait for the latest build to arrive OTA shortly.  

For more detailed information on the Android M release date, new and features, hit the link, and find out how to install Android M on your device right now in our dedicated article.

Have you downloaded Android M yet? What do you think of it? 


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